Final Report – Flight of the S’Timmer

Well, the Skimmer rebuild saga is now officially over: The S’Timmer (T-tail Skimmer) had a wonderful and uneventful first flight this past Tuesday at the Lafayette Cloud Jockeys field Roll Call Tuesday gathering.

Da Current Big Guy and Da S’Timmer
The S’Timmer’s first fly-by

The down thrust built into the nose was definitely necessary as the bird pitches strongly up under full power.

Running 7×5 folding prop on 3S 800 mAh pack draws right at 10 amps static. It’s enough to make the bird really climb well, but not like a rocket.

Power off performance is light and responsive. I flew most of the first flight at 50% throws and it felt quite acceptable. I did bump the rudder up to 75% a bit at the end but it had to be handled carefully to avoid jerky flying.

Elevator is VERY responsive. I do not need anywhere near as much throw as I have and 50% D/R is just right.

This experiment just proves that Skimmers and even S’Timmers just fly right. They’re fun and responsive, little gliders that zoom.

All in all, a very satisfying project. Thanks for following along with the build.

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